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ST:TNG Mini Series – “The Inner Light”

The act of allowing someone to experience life as you do is a very powerful idea. Think of all of your experiences, likes, dislikes, or passions. You can try your best to describe them. Writing about them, drawing them, even recreating them in a visual medium like...

Click Bait

Click Bait We need to have a chat about this. Big sites like Upworthy, Huffington Post, and now sadly, CollegeHumor and Dorkly are falling victim to this sleazy way to bring in page views. They are dead set on the fact that no one wants to read their articles so they...

The Multiverse

Let me start with saying i adore the idea of the multiverse, it’s a radical concept with interesting implications The concept of the multiverse is that any action I take creates universes. I wake up and have a coffee vs I snooze for an hour. The one...

The Human Cookie Cutter

So, I heard about the concept that there is a set of common “human cookie cutters molds”. These common molds are what make us think that we recognize someone who couldn’t possibly be related to someone else in our life who they resemble. It’s...