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Her and I

It’s very interesting, thinking about it now. At the time I hadn’t really grasped the depth of it all. She just was there in my life every day from there on out. With no build-up or lead time, she became a painting on my wall, something I saw every...

Big Yellow Slide

As I breathed out, I felt the plasma knife pierce my flesh. Much like the stories that I had heard of people experiencing trauma in slow motion, here I was, about to experience the same thing. The skin under the tip of the blade began to sear the skin. It reminded me...

Pseudoscience (Part 1)

There are many aspects of our universe that are unknown to us. Things that seemingly defy expectations or at the very least, you or I as an individual, have yet to grasp. We go through our innocuous string of daily events and never naturally encounter these things. As...

Language as Power

A writer’s voice is akin to the painter’s iconic brush stroke. It is deeply representative of the ideas that they tend to most often connect with, or, at the very least, have encountered throughout their experience. It is shaped through all of the highly...

ST:TNG Mini Series – “Measure Of A Man”

Define Life. What counts as life? Can a machine be considered life?  This is the question that this episode sets out to answer. Data is the perfect analogue through which to answer this question. Data throughout the show, is on a quest to discover and grow his...